Thursday, April 22, 2010

Less than THIRTY hours...

"What are we going to do while you are gone?" "What are we going to eat?" These are the questions coming out of my nine year old Wesley's mouth.

Why? Because I am up and leaving town. I am going to be GONE. Gone I say...and my youngest was feeling the burn knowing I am going to be gone. They know Gramma is coming and will be here, but...MOM,( yea me )...I will be gone.

*gasp*. Wide eyes staring at me.

For how long you ask? To be worried about "what to do", or "what will I eat" would think I am leaving for a week? Nope.

A weekend? Nope.

I am leaving for LESS than thirty hours. From Five PM on Friday evening to 9 PM on Saturday night.

I will have dinner laid out on Friday before I go. But the thought of breakfast, lunch and DINNER without MOM here to make it? I don't think at this time Wes is really caring for it. As much as he loves his gramma, and knows Dad will be home in a matter of hours after he wakes up on Saturday just isn't right that MOM is going to be (**gulp**) GONE for an entire day!

I want to soak up this season, for it will be my last. He is my youngest, but he won't be "young" for long. He won't worry about what to eat, or what to wear or what to do when Mom is gone for much longer. It makes my heart sick a bit...but I know it is a right of passage for us all...

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